Category | Allocation | Percentage | Conditions |
Liquidity Pool | 75,000,000 | 84% | 100% LP Locked |
Locked for VC/CEX | 11,000,000 | 11% | Locked in Multisig |
Team | 5,000,000 | 5% | Vested Linear over 12 Months |
Total | 100,000,000 | |
5/5 tax on buying/selling of $NEURA : goes into marketing and product development.
Our Revenue streams
Platform Subscriptions
Business Subscriptions & Partnerships
Revenue from Twitter/X - Coming in the near future
Benefits for Token Holders:
50% of Gross Profits (Income minus ops costs) from the Neurahub Platform are distributed to those Holding more than 50,000 NEURA Tokens. Profit is the amount left after operating costs have been deducted
Last updated